Sunday, January 25, 2009

This too shall pass

Tomorrow my friends Cynthia and Dorlis are taking a leap to their future. You see, tomorrow at 10:00 pm Dorlis will start his life as an Army guy ( sorry for my lack of military terminology) with hopes on becoming a communications specialist. Cynthia, who is one of the most sweetest friends I have known ,will be put test as well as she waits on her beloved new husband( they got married last week).After having a very rough year in 2008, both Cynthia and Dorlis are taking steps for a better future. I know this is going to be hard for both, but at the end they will rise to the occasion and become stronger as individuals and as a couple. This too shall pass as the Jewish say. I know your future holds more surfing, good times and beach babies...
All my love to both,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww... made me cry, very true, love u girl! BTW, love this pic, we are sooo cute :-) !