Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wiki and google= my blood

I'm an information junkie. To me learning about randing stuff is my heroin.From cooking recipes, pop culture facts, bios, geography, design, anything will feed my brain. This come very handy when I start blabbing facts in the middle of partying, family brunch and business meetings. Google and wiki (i know it's not a trustable source, but I felt in love with Wolverine reading his bio in it) are my blood that pumps into my veins. I'm a very good looking nerd with all this types of useless information.

There is a down side to all of this: one, I forget names, phones and important stuff because there is so much information I can handle in my brain storage and and two, people call with the most unusual questions and expect an honest, verifiable answer.

Would I stop surfing the web when I have a question too technical? nope, uneless I have a baby, which will limit my time. Would that will make more of a nerd? probably.

But nothing beats shutting everybody up when they verify that She-ra was He-man twin sister

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

closet nerd!