Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pissed (well kinda)

By now, everybody knows I have a serious crush on Russell Brand. I haven't publicly acknowledged that I'm pissed that he got engaged to Katy Perry. But she's cool and what not and I'm not that mad anymore.

So she confirmed what I have known all along. Rusty is a genius and now a better person because he apparently swapped sex addiction to hot monogamy (yes,people it can happen). She says:

"Love has really affected [my songwriting]. I know how to handle a man now. So it's talking about the love rather than, you know, being annoyed with boys. He's like Jim Morrison meets Charles Manson meets Jesus meets a little bit of Elvis. He's a walking genius. Just standing next to him makes me smarter. He's good for me. He's not a pussy in any way, shape or form. He's the boss; he calls the shots. But I like that. I've been waiting for someone I couldn't steamroll."

If I could only make them break apart...

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